

Our story began in Copenhagen in 2011 when the Defcon CTF World Champions in hacking developed the Heimdal technology. Our team may be spread around Europe, but we all work together for the same goal: to make proactive cyber security simple and available to anyone and everyone. Simply put, Heimdal blocks attacks that antivirus can’t detect or stop. Of course, this is just the gist of the story, but we look forward to sharing the rest of it. At Heimdal, we don’t waste time and we are very keen on delivering quality work, on time and to the best of our abilities. Our focus is to help our customers and readers solve their problems and learn practical skills to keep their life safe online (and even offline). Joining us will help you build a path to stronger professional and personal skills.

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Avem grijă de datele tale personale. Navigând în continuare, ești de acord cu politica de confidențialitate     Am înțeles