Paula Fratila

SEO Conținut Video Social Media PPC Marketing Manager CRO PR & Marketing Affiliate Marketing


Leader in Marketing and Influencer Strategist with over 15 years of experience in marketing management and significant knowledge of business development, advertising of products or services using digital technologies, mainly on the Internet, mobile phones, display advertising or any other digital medium.

Skills: Manage up, down, and sideways, Scrum master, Provide direction, Delegate tasks, Budgetize, Tech & Marketing Lingo.

Experiență specifică pentru nișele: Servicii Turism

Servicii oferite

Global Branding and Business Development Srategy (X)


Global Marketing
UX design, content, SEO, SEM, newsletter, media & print copywriter, market researcher, digital strategist.


Krasimir Tanev
Paula increased conversions and brand awareness with 30% from their first year in the company.

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